Greetings Anon, 🏝
This is the 1st of 3 drops this week to make sure your Thanksgiving holiday is as delicious and stress free as possible.
Today covers the “Main Attractions” on the dinner table.
-A juicy Roast Turkey with crispy skin
-A delectable Chestnut Stuffing
-The Ultimate Pumpkin Pie with Bourbon Cream.
The 2nd drop will cover sides/sauces, etc
Final, 3rd, drop will have a complete shopping list, and suggested schedule to spread out your prep efficiently, coherently and maximizing your time.
Let’s get it on 🚀
🐙 can’t tell if the Turkey-hate online is just click-baiting or, more likely, most people haven’t had a deliciously prepared Roast Turkey.
There are at least 10+ methods/approaches/seasoning possibilities so this is a low maintenance, time-efficient method that will yield delicious roast 🦃